Transforming vision into action

Welcome to PrimaryHealthCare4People, a global knowledge exchange platform dedicated to supporting the Operational Framework for Primary Health Care.

WHO’s training activities on PHC
Capacity building

PHC Capacity Building Program is to use innovative approaches to expand the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of key stakeholders in policy development, implementation and evaluation to strengthen primary health care through a comprehensive mixed-methods capacity building program in the six regions of the World Health Organization.

for Primary Health Care: Transforming vision into action
Operational Framework

All people, everywhere, have the right to achieve the highest attainable level of health. This is the fundamental premise of primary health care (PHC).

Latest Publications

Assessing the WHO-UNICEF primary health-care measurement framework; Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
Policy approaches to health system performance assessment
Access of older people to primary health care in low and middle-income countries: A systematic scoping review

Latest Practices

TypeEmerging practice
StagePilot stage
Laurel Project
TypeLeading practice
StageFully implemented and scaled up
Shifting acute care delivery from hospitals to homes in Ireland
TypeLeading practice
StageFully implemented and scaled up
Implementing an integrated cardiology programme in Eastern Lithuania to improve cardiovascular health


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UPCOMING capacities

There are no Capacities

Latest News

Global| WHO Worldwide
Spain's Secretary of State for Health discusses health priorities with WHO
Strengthening Primary Health Care with a Community Health Strategy in Mozambique
Investing in the radical reorientation of health systems towards Primary Health Care: The best and only choice to achieve universal health coverage

Latests events

September 15, 2024
European Forum for Primary Care (EFPC) 2024 Conference, Ljubljana
June 12, 2024
Unlocking successful implementation strategies for PHC transformation
June 3, 2024
Overcoming implementation barriers: learning from change makers of PHC transformation

Latest Toolkits

World Health Organization model list of essential medicines: 21st list 2019
Workload Indicators of Staffing Need (WISN)
Working with individuals, families and communities to improve maternal and newborn health: a toolkit for implementation

About WHO Collaborating Centre

About WHO Collaborating Centre

A WHO Collaborating Centre is an institution designated by the Director-General of WHO to form part of an international collaborative network set up by WHO in support of its programme at the country, intercountry, regional, interregional and global levels. national health development.

Latest news

Global, WHO Worldwide
Spain's Secretary of State for Health discusses health priorities with WHO
Strengthening Primary Health Care with a Community Health Strategy in Mozambique
africa-14113_640_Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
Investing in the radical reorientation of health systems towards Primary Health Care: The best and only choice to achieve universal health coverage
trabajador-social-cuidando-anciana (1)
PAHO, IDB and World Bank launch alliance to strengthen primary health care in the Americas
Foto de Aksonsat Uanthoeng:
Seventy countries convene to step up primary health care
Foto de Donald Tong:
Global, WHO Worldwide
Call for WHO’s Fifth Health for All Film Festival opens to amplify voices of champions of health
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