Operational levers

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Foto de Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/doctor-presion-sanguinea-hipertension-cardiovascular-7108344/
Publication typeReports
The urgency of investing in health systems in Latin America and the Caribbean to reduce inequality and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
Going digital
Publication typeReports| WHO Document
Going digital for noncommunicable diseases: the case for action
Image by Freepik (3)
Publication typeOther
Advanced practice nursing in primary care in OECD countries: Recent developments and persisting implementation challenges
Member States adopt policy to strengthen health sector in the face of climate change, focusing on vulnerable populations and equity
Image by Freepik (2)
Publication typeJournal articles
Healthcare workforce equity for health equity: An overview of its importance for the level of primary health care
Image by Freepik (2)
Publication typeJournal articles
Strengthening primary health care through community health workers in South Asia
Strategy for optimizing RHIS
Publication typeWHO Document
Global Strategy for Optimizing Routine Health Information Systems in Countries 2023-2030
Publication typeWHO Document
Applying a Primary Health Care approach to investments provided by Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance
Publication typeJournal articles
Implementing the WHO Indicators for assessing palliative care development in three countries: a Do-It-Yourself approach
Captura de pantalla 2024-09-24 141757
Publication typeJournal articles
A global approach to promoting research and evidence-based practice for community nurses
Publication typeReports
Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: a Primer
Publication typeWHO Document
Strategy for accelerating maternal mortality reduction in the Region of the Americas based on Primary Health Care
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