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Publication typeWHO Document
Compassion and primary health care
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Publication typeJournal articles
Evaluating the impact, implementation experience and political economy of primary care networks in Kenya: protocol for a mixed methods study
Publication typeWHO Document
Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation (Eurohealth)
WHO Europe
Publication typeWHO Document
Taking the pulse of quality of care and patient safety in the WHO European Region: multidimensional analysis and future prospects
World Bank Group
Publication typeBooks
Strategic Investment for Health System Resilience: A Three-Layer Framework
Image by wirestock from Freepik
Publication typeJournal articles
Can integrated care interventions strengthen primary care and improve outcomes for patients with chronic diseases? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Image by Freepik (2)
Publication typeJournal articles
Understanding Interpersonal Influences on Maternal Health Service Utilization at Community Health Centers: A Mixed-Methods Study in Indonesia
Publication typeWHO Document
Country impact report - inspiring stories of collaboration from the 53 countries in the WHO European Region
Publication typeHandbooks
Guidebook on Successful Health Management Practices in South-Eastern Europe
WHO implementing diagnostic services
Publication typeWHO Document
Implementation of diagnostics services for primary health care in four Indian states
Foto de Alex Gamaliel:
Publication typeJournal articles
Factors associated with perceived health of school-aged children in rural Rwanda: an opportunity to leverage community health workers to enhance school health promotion and primary healthcare systems linkages
Image by fernandozhiminaicela from Pixabay
Publication typeJournal articles
Integrating public health and primary care: a framework for seamless collaboration
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