Event typeMeeting
28th annual meeting of the Regions for Health Network – “Health for all: addressing challenges, sharing experiences”

WHO/Europe’s Regions for Health Network (RHN) will host its 28th annual meeting in Seville, Andalusia (Spain), 15–17 November 2023.

Established in 1992, the RHN is a platform through which more than 30 regions, many associated partners and Member States of the WHO European Region work together to share evidence, intelligence and good practice experiences. It aims are to promote better health and well-being at all ages, across all sectors and in all settings; to secure universal access to quality care without financial hardship; to protect against health emergencies; and to empower health through science, data and innovation.

The 28th annual meeting will be hosted by one of the RHN’s oldest members, Andalusia, Spain, on “Health for all: addressing challenges, sharing experiences”. The meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss and share implementation experiences on how to:

  • Advance One Health;
  • humanize health care;
  • increase health-care delivery efficiency;
  • best deliver primary health-care;
  • advance digital health.

It will also be an opportunity to identify activities to be implemented within the network between 2024 and 2026, in line with the joint priorities identified in the draft RHN roadmap for health and well-being.

EVENT START: November 15, 2023
Event end: November 17, 2023
Event time: 13:00
Location: Seville, Andalusia (Spain)
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