Accelerating primary health care transformation with evidence: Cross-country learning, knowledge management, and partnerships

To reinforce political momentum towards universal health coverage and accelerate the implementation of the Astana Declaration, the best available evidence on the implementation of the PHC approach is needed. Especially, what works and how. The intelligence generated through implementation research, country case studies, leadership-oriented training and partnerships are key to providing this information.

Despite progress made to generate contextualized, policy oriented PHC evidence, competencies and networks, this implementation intelligence requires innovative mechanisms to intensify cross-country and regional learning on the PHC approach. Various global products have been developed in response to this need, including the recently launched book Implementing the Primary Health Care Approach: A Primer (the Primer) and PHC Country Case Study Compendium—a global web-based search engine for finding and filtering PHC country case studies. Others in development include the inaugural Leadership Course on PHC and Coalition of PHC Partners.

EVENT START: May 27, 2024
Event end: May 27, 2024
Event time: 17:45
Location: Jardin de Penthes, Ch. de L'mperatrice 18, Geneva
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