Capacity building

Professional visit to the public health system of Andalusia. Emphasis on highly responsive care and multiple pathologies. SIES Salud (Comprehensive Society of Health Specialists)

Course modality:Face to face

Introduction Capacities

SIES Salud is a Colombian institution that provides health services throughout the national territory. It has 26 locations where it offers comprehensive care programs to users with chronic communicable and non-communicable diseases. We serve users with HIV/AIDS, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, among others. Additionally, they provide home hospitalization services and operate as a low-complexity primary IPS in Bogotá with our Comprehensive Basic Care program.


Know the elements that characterize the Public Health System of Andalusia-SSPA, especially Primary Health Care, to encourage a critical reflection of the different experiences, strategies and practices in the context of the participants.

Learning objetives

  • Characterize the construction process of the Spanish health system, with emphasis on the Andalusian system, the historical-political principles that support them.
  • Describe the organization of the healthcare network and the Primary Care model of Andalusia, its challenges and opportunities in the new Public Health scenarios.
  • Present the tools to promote patient autonomy in terms of knowledge and skills to improve self-care and appropriately use health services.
  • Frame the values of the Andalusian Public Health System as a public care network: Comprehensive vision, participation, results and quality, to ensure the continuity of care to the user, with emphasis on chronic and multi-pathological patients.


Throughout the program, active exchange between participants will be promoted through a combination of:

  • Presentations and debates on the central topics of the course, with the participation of teachers and specialists in the SSPA.
  • Visits to centers and establishments, where interviews can be carried out with management personnel and health professionals.
  • Reading sessions based on selected bibliography in the academic field of the EASP and in the centers (1 hour daily).

The proposed methodology requires, therefore, active participation and exchange between all participants, permanently integrating conceptual and strategic perspectives with the critical analysis of experiences in Colombia and Andalusia.

START DATE: September 25, 2023
END DATE: September 28, 2023
Start time: 08:30
End time: 18:00
Duration: 45
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