Capacity building

The Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP) participates in the management project of Integrated Health Networks in Colombia


Introduction Capacities

The Andalusian School of Public Health (EASP) has an extensive history of working with the Colombian Ministry of Health, which is currently facing the reform of its insurance system, as stated in its National Development Plan 2022-2026. with the objective of “guaranteeing the effective enjoyment of the fundamental right to health, in a comprehensive manner with positive impact on social determinants, guaranteeing and universal; based on a predictive and preventive health model.”




To achieve this, EASP has required a process of academic support, which guarantees the development and implementation of institutional strategies for the formation of Comprehensive Integrated and Territorial Health Networks (RIITS), a new health insurance model launched by the government. Colombian. This reform is based on the conceptual and operational model proposed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), which seeks to strengthen and advance towards the integration of health services based on Primary Health Care (PHC).

Learning objetives

The operational approach is to establish Integrated Health Services Networks -RISS-, which contribute to having more accessible, equitable, efficient services, of better technical quality and that respond to citizens' expectations. The process of implementing a health system based on PHC and organized in RIISS requires systematic collaborative work that helps to understand the current situation and generate change processes in accordance with local realities. For all this, the EASP is carrying out a 150-hour course to train the country's professionals in the management of institutional projects. The program has an eminently practical approach, in which work will be done on a project management model, as well as a draft of the RIISS model in Colombia, the design of a training and consulting program, and addressing evaluation and accreditation processes.

The EASP professors, José Martínez Olmos, Sergio Minué and Joan Carles March are responsible for this training program and advisor to the Ministry.

START DATE: July 8, 2024
END DATE: July 12, 2024
Start time: 09:00
End time: 15:00
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