The Development, Description and Appraisal of an Emergent Multimethod Research Design to Study Workforce Changes in Integrated Care Interventions
The Impact of Integrated Psychological Services in a Safety Net Primary Care Clinic on Medical Utilization
Integrated Person-Centered Health Care for All Women During Pregnancy: Implementing World Health Organization Recommendations on Antenatal Care for a Positive Pregnancy Experience
“On the Margins and Not the Mainstream”: Case Selection for the Implementation of Community based Primary Health Care in Canada and New Zealand
Case Management for Patients with Complex Multimorbidity: Development and Validation of a Coordinated Intervention between Primary and Hospital Care
Integration of community home based care programmes within national primary health care revitalisation strategies in Ethiopia, Malawi, South-Africa and Zambia: a comparative assessment
The degree of integration of non-dispensing pharmacists in primary care practice and the impact on health outcomes: A systematic review