Medical and Old-Age Care Integration Model and Implementation of the Integrated Care of Older People (ICOPE) in China: Opportunities and Challenges
Implementing Integrated Care in Practice – Learning from MDTs Driving the Integrated Care Programme for Older Persons in Ireland
Measuring Older Peoples’ Experiences of Person-Centred Coordinated Care: Experience and Methodological Reflections from Applying a Patient Reported Experience Measure in SUSTAIN
Intrinsic Capacity predicts adverse outcomes using Integrated Care for Older People screening tool in a senior community in Beijing
Designing a person-centred integrated care programme for people with complex chronic conditions: a case study from Catalonia
Developing an interprofessional people-centred care model for home-living older people with multimorbidities in a primary care health centre: A community-based study
Factors and Mechanism Influencing Client Experience of Residential Integrated Health and Social Care for Older People: A Qualitative Model in Chinese Institutional Settings
What are the Clinical and Social Outcomes of Integrated Care for Older People? A Qualitative Systematic Review