Spain’s Secretary of State for Health discusses health priorities with WHO

World Health Organization (WHO)
During the visit, participants focused on plans and on-going work across a number of areas, including WHO’s Transplantation Program to increase availability; ethical access and oversight of transplantation of human cells; tissues and organs. They also discussed social determinants of health; tobacco and alcohol control; primary health care; access to medicines; universal health coverage; ensuring healthy lives at all ages; nutrition and food safety; health workforce; and emergencies.

WHO welcomed Mr Javier Padilla Bernáldez, Spain’s Secretary of State for Health and his delegation on 23 and 24 April 2024 to discuss joint global health priorities. Amongst others, Spain’s focus is on universal health coverage and health systems strengthening; pandemic response and emergency medical teams; organ and tissue transplantation; malaria and other tropical diseases; and polio.

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