
Developing care for a changing population: Learning from GP-led organisations

Publication typePolicy documents
SOURCE: Nuffield Trust

Developing care for a changing population: Learning from GP-led organisations

The way a health system is organized may influence the care this system provides. In this Nuffield Trust report some GP-led experiences are described, analyzing what are the internal characteristics and external context that have affected GP-led progress.

The intra-organizational characteristics listed are: (I) strong links between clinical leaders and GP member practices, (II) sophisticated strategic and operational management support, (III) use of multiple forms of peer-led improvement, (IV) organizations are both entrepeneurial and pragmatic, (V) linked data between the organization’s own services and other providers.

In what concerns to external context, the three characteristics listed are: (I) a receptive context for change, (II) capability to transfer some of the commissioner role to providers through capitated budgets, (III) slow pace and short-term nature of decision-making.

The slow pace and short-term nature of decision-making in clinical commissioning groups may drive emerging organisations to focus on service developments outside of their geographic home in order to diversify their services, broaden their market and increase financial stability.

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