
Health workforce planning under conditions of uncertainty: identifying supportive integrated care policies using scenario analysis

Health workforce planning under conditions of uncertainty: identifying supportive integrated care policies using scenario analysis

Integrated care presents health workforce planners with significant uncertainty. This results from:

  • (1) these workforces are likely in the future to be different from the present.
  • (2) integrated care’s variable definitions.
  • (3) workforce policy and planning is not familiar with addressing such challenges.

One means to deal with uncertainty is scenario analysis. In this study shows some aspects of integration-supportive workforce governance and planning policies that were derived from the application of scenario analysis.Through a mixed methods design that applies content analysis, scenario construction and the policy Delphi method, it’s analized a set of New Zealand’s older persons health sector workforce scenarios. Developed from data gathered from workforce documents and studies, the scenarios were evaluated by a suitably qualified panel, and derived policy statements were assessed for desirability and feasibility.

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