
Integrated Person-Centered Health Care for All Women During Pregnancy: Implementing World Health Organization Recommendations on Antenatal Care for a Positive Pregnancy Experience

Publication typeWHO Document
SOURCE: Global Health: Science and practice

Integrated Person-Centered Health Care for All Women During Pregnancy: Implementing World Health Organization Recommendations on Antenatal Care for a Positive Pregnancy Experience

In 2015, Unnited Nations member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in order to continue the momentum of the Milennium Development Goals and address a broarder range of development issues. The World Health Organization (WHO) identified target 3.8, universal health coverage, as the key to achieving all other health-related SDGs. To that end, Every Woman Every Child movement developed the Global Strategy for Women´s, Children´s, and Adolescentss´Health (2016-2030) with the aim of ending all preventable deaths of women, children, and adolescents and ensuring their health and well-being. The strategy provides a framework for countries to achieve the highest attainable standards of health for all women, children, and adolescents to  “Survive, Thrive and Transform”. 

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