
Integrating patient complexity into health policy: a conceptual framework

Integrating patient complexity into health policy: a conceptual framework

Clinicians across all health professions increasingly strive to add value to the care they deliver through the application of the central tenets of people-centred care (PCC), namely the ‘right care’, in the ‘right place’, at the ‘right time’ and ‘tailored to the needs of communities’.

This ideal is being hampered by a lack of a structured, evidence-based means to formulate policy and value the commissioning of services in an environment of increasing appreciation for the complex health needs of communities. This creates significant challenges for policy makers, commissioners and providers of health services. Communities face a complex intersection of challenges when engaging with healthcare. Increasingly, complexity is gaining prominence as a significant factor in the delivery of PCC.

Based on the World Health Organization (WHO) components of health policy, this paper proposes a policy framework that enables policy makers, commissioners and providers of health care to integrate a model of complexity into policy, subsequent service planning and development of models of care.


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