
Learning about patients’ experiences of care in their own homes

Publication typeBlog
SOURCE: Kings Fund Blog

Learning about patients’ experiences of care in their own homes

Patient’s experiences are a main factor in order to design how health care services should work. Many different ways of measuring these experiences have been developed; in this post hosted by the King’s Fund Blog, Jo Maybin explains how they have used face-to-face interviews in patient’s home, what difficulties they have found and what they have been able to investigate thanks to this kind of methodology.

As it is said in the post, patient’s own homes interviews enabled the interviewers to get in contact with external carers, to analyze their point of view in relation to health care coordination and integration, and to identify what aspects should be improved in order to increase patient’s satisfaction with the care provided.

On the other hand, this post lists some of the difficulties found when doing face-to-face interviews, specially in what concerns to the amount of resources or the length of interviews.

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