
Measuring patient-centred system performance: a scoping review of patient-centred care quality indicators

Publication typeScientific publication
SOURCE: British Medical Journal

Measuring patient-centred system performance: a scoping review of patient-centred care quality indicators

Patient-centred care (PCC) is one of the six dimensions of healthcare and was formally described by the Institute of Medicine in 2001 as healthcare that respects and responds to the preferences, needs and values of the individual patients throughout all healthcare decisions. PCC is an approach that has become central to policies and programming to improve healthcare efficiencies and address patient safety issues.
In that sense, The shift to the patient-centred care (PCC) model as a healthcare delivery paradigm calls for systematic measurement and evaluation. In an attempt to develop patient-centred quality indicators (PC-QIs), this study aimed to identify quality indicators that can be used to measure PCC

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