
Models of Integrated Care: The global experience

Publication typeImplementation report

Models of Integrated Care: The global experience

This Global Experience Paper on Integrated Health Care was developed to provide the Primary Health Care Institute (PHCI) in Libya with insights as it designs and develops its plans to rebuild primary health care (PHC). The findings are informed by a review of recent international literature, and by insights provided by selected international experts. The paper uses the Framework on Integrated, People-Centered Health Services from the World Health Organization to structure the analysis of global experiences. Overall, there is no single model of integration that can or should be adopted in countries seeking to develop primary health care. There is, however, evidence of good practice in designing and developing local, context-specific solutions. Evidence to support effective strategies and policies relevant for conflict-affected situations is scarce. However, there are some common themes and issues relating to the need to rebuild trust in the quality and safety of services; to build from existing assets, including donor-funded programs; to adopt a multisectoral approach with a focus on infrastructure to support supply chain security, and the use of financial incentives to support workforce participation. The paper focuses on the pivotal role played by primary health care and identifies five high-impact strategies for the PHCI to rebuild PHC. These strategies are to accelerate the development of a multiprofessional primary health care workforce; develop primary health care provider networks; use primary health care to build linkages from existing community and donor assets; take a digital-first approach to integration; and use simple and transparent funding models.

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