
Moving from the margins: the challenges of building integrated local services – a discussion paper by Collaborate and Turning Point

Publication typeToolkit
SOURCE: Collaborate

Moving from the margins: the challenges of building integrated local services – a discussion paper by Collaborate and Turning Point

Moving from the margins is a discussion paper produced by Collaborate and Turning Point that presents seven key insights for building integrated public services.

The overriding message for Moving from the Margins: The challenges of building integrated local services is simple: local integrated services should be at the heart of strategies for social renewal and public service reform. The fundamental change that this approach implies – shifting power away from ‘producers’ and towards communities – is incredibly hard to make happen. But there are people and places that have started to do things differently and their approaches can be learned from and built on.

The report’s seven insights range from the need to shift the narrative from austerity to one of social challenges in a place, to the value of building system infrastructure that enables collaboration. The combination of the current political, economic, and social context coupled with the presentation of credible model of community-led integrated care, makes a compelling argument for these to be taken seriously.

This report sits within a wider piece of work for Collaborate where we are exploring what hard-wiring is needed to support place-based system chang

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