
Partnership, Person-Centredness in Health Care

Publication typePresentations
SOURCE: University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care

Partnership, Person-Centredness in Health Care

Person-centred care is an emerging concept in health care. Many people ask what is new about it, and as a matter of fact many health care professionals believe that they work in a person-centred way already. But shifting to a person-centred care practice often involves a profound change in culture and structure, and the key is a different approach in seeing the patient as a partner. The main thing is about being able to listen. Being able to listen to the patient and co-create a care plan; to create a partnership in health care.

The University of Gothenburg Centre for Person-centred Care – GPCC, performs research, education and innovation in person-centred care. Many of the centre’s projects are performed in partnership with Sahlgrenska University Hospital, one of the biggest in Europe, which is closely linked to the University via the The Sahlgrenska Academy.

This short film sets the scene by describing the partnership between patients and their providers, which is central to person-centred care, according to GPCC and Centre Director Professor Inger Ekman, who narrates. It was published 27 jan. 2016.

You can read more on the GPCC website. 

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