
Person-centred long-term care for older persons: a new Lancet Commission

Publication typeScientific publication

The Lancet


Person-centred long-term care for older persons: a new Lancet Commission

The UN declared 2021–30 to be the Decade of Healthy Ageing, and efforts are being made to maximise the functional ability of people over their life course. Yet older people are marginalised and perceived as a burden, particularly those with ongoing loss in capacity. Nowhere is this more conspicuous than in the context of long-term care (LTC) worldwide, where older people in some settings encounter a loss of independence and other violations of their human rights. Such experiences can range from deprivation of liberty and loss of legal capacity and consent to coerced institutionalisation, exposure to abuse, neglect,and disrespect, and persistent use of restraints. 



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