
State of Commitment to Universal Health Coverage

Publication typeImplementation report



State of Commitment to Universal Health Coverage

The State of commitment to universal health coverage (UHC) provides a multi-stakeholder consolidated view on the state of progress being made towards UHC at country and global levels.

The review is political, country-focused and action-oriented in nature and complements the more technical and global UHC monitoring report focusing on UHC indicators on service coverage and financial protection.

The State of UHC Commitment  follows the UHC Political Declaration’s Key Targets, Commitments and Follow-up Actions and support national accountability and advocacy processes to ensure political leaders are held accountable for their UHC commitments.

The synthesis report summarises the state of UHC commitment at both the country and global level. In 2020, the report focuses on how the world has coped to date with the extraordinary challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. It shares short stories from people’s lived experiences, demonstrating the reality of UHC on the ground.


Read more 

State of commitment to universal health coverage: synthesis, 2020 

In Spanish

In French

The State of UHC Commitment Concept Brief

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