
Step-by-step guide for developing integrated health services delivery profiles

Publication typeWHO Document
SOURCE: WHO Regional Office for Europe

Step-by-step guide for developing integrated health services delivery profiles

This guide sets out to describe a structure and process for developing profiles on initiatives to transform health services delivery. It has been developed in line with the health system strengthening priorities of the WHO Regional Office for Europe, calling for integrated health services delivery as taken forward in the forthcoming Regional “Framework for Action on Integrated Health Services Delivery.” The guide has been prepared for those seeking to document a description of health services delivery transformations to share technical know-how and lessons learned. In doing so, it aims to contribute to the evidence-base on health services delivery transformations across the WHO European Region. The process of developing profiles is described according to five steps: defining the initiative; preparing the logistics; collecting the evidence; analysing the findings; and finalizing the profile.

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