This strategy was developed to further support countries in their efforts to strengthen their capacity to implement key interventions to optimize their RHIS, enabling the monitoring and delivery of Health Care Services, especially Primary Health Care (PHC). The strategy proposes principles for integrated, interoperable, evidence-informed, aligned and partnership-based RHIS through five strategic goals with measurable interventions.
The Strategy for optimising national RHIS is part of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) SCORE (Survey, Count, Optimize, Review, Enable) for Health Data Technical Package to strengthen country health data systems and capacity to generate and use the information for health service management and monitoring of national and global targets. This strategy sets out to optimize RHIS and outlines a vision, supported by strategic goals, guiding principles, specific objectives and key interventions to improve health data collection, reporting, analyses and use at national, subnational (all levels below the national level including and not limited to public, private, nongovernmental) and community levels.