
White paper. Health and social care integration: joining up care for people, places and populations.

Publication typePolicy documents



White paper. Health and social care integration: joining up care for people, places and populations.


This white paper is part of the government’s commitment to transform the delivery of care in England following the Prime Minister’s announcement on reforms for health and social care through the Build Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care.

This white paper is part of a wider set of mutually reinforcing reforms:

It sets out measures needed to make integrated health and social care a universal reality for everyone across England regardless of their condition and to level up regardless of where they live.

Over the next few years, work will continue with national and local partners to deliver the best outcomes on joined-up health and care for people. Alongside concerted action at a place level, this package of initiatives will help to improve integration between the health and social care workforce, leading to improved outcomes and better person-centred care.


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