Impact of Integrated Care Model (ICM) on Direct Medical Costs in Management of Advanced Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
“On the Margins and Not the Mainstream”: Case Selection for the Implementation of Community based Primary Health Care in Canada and New Zealand
The Vanguard of Community-based Integrated Care in Japan: The Effect of a Rural Town on National Policy
Exploring Integration of Care for Children Living with Complex Care Needs Across the European Union and European Economic Area
Case Management for Patients with Complex Multimorbidity: Development and Validation of a Coordinated Intervention between Primary and Hospital Care
The Effective Use of Psychiatric Mental Health Nurses in Integrated Care: Policy Implications for Increasing Quality and Access to Care
Partnerships in mental healthcare service delivery in low-resource settings: developing an innovative network in rural Nepal
Integration of community home based care programmes within national primary health care revitalisation strategies in Ethiopia, Malawi, South-Africa and Zambia: a comparative assessment