Sharing responsibility: municipal health professionals’ approaches to goal setting with older patients with multi-morbidity – a grounded theory study
A model of integrated care of residents with dementia – A case of innovation in long-term with accomodation in Slovenia
Facilitators and barriers of managing patients with multiple chronic conditions in the community: a qualitative study
Integrated Care Search: development and validation of a PubMed search filter for retrieving the integrated care research evidence
Capturing the Role of Context in Complex System Change: An Application of the Canadian Context and Capabilities for Integrating Care (CCIC) Framework to an Integrated Care Organisation in the UK.
Implementation of patient-centred care: which organisational determinants matter from decision maker’s perspective? Results from a qualitative interview study across various health and social care organisations
What do the healthcare experiences of people with long-term conditions tell us about person-centred care? A systematic review.