
Building the economic case for primary health care: a scoping review

owerful evidence suggests that primary health care (PHC), particularly primary care, can produce a range
of economic benefits through its potential to improve health outcomes, health system efficiency and health
equity. This is demonstrated in a conceptual framework in Fig.3, and summarized below:
• Health outcomes – primary care can improve population health in terms of life expectancy, all-cause
mortality, maternal, infant and neonatal mortality as well as mental health outcomes.
• Health system efficiency – primary care can reduce total hospitalizations, avoidable admissions, and
emergency admissions and hospitalizations.
• Health equity – primary care improves equitable access to health care and equitable health outcomes.
Despite these benefits, internationally, PHC is prioritized to varying degrees. This document reviews the
evidence for the economic benefits of PHC, but there remains a need to further develop the economic
case for increased investment in PHC. Research is needed to characterize which aspects of primary care
and PHC have the greatest potential to improve health outcomes, health system efficiency and health
equity, thereby maximizing the potential economic benefits; and to identify the barriers and enablers to
implementation. Such research will provide a roadmap for strengthening PHC systems and allow policy-
makers to target investments.

World Health Organization (WHO)
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