
Integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) set of distance learning modules

The basis for the distance learning options (for both ICATT and paper-based distance learning IMCI) is that potentially IMCI could be scaled up in a short period without health workers needing to leave their clinics for the traditional 2-week period.

Distance learning IMCI will reduce the cost of running IMCI course significantly and address health workers that normally will not be able to leave their station.
Distance learning IMCI facilitates learning while continuing to provide clinical service to their communities; health workers can study on their own time, on their own pace and saves them from travel.Distance learning IMCI is a self-learning programme that is mainly driven by the learner. It is based on an inquiry model that emphasizes group learning, mentoring, use of mobile phone alerts and on-the job learning.
Early implementation using these paper-based IMCI materials has shown to be feasible, acceptable and cost-saving in several countries.

The set of materials to support paper-based distance learning IMCI includes self-study modules on the traditional IMCI areas such as General Danger Signs, Young Infant, Cough or Difficult Breathing, Diarrhoea, Fever, Ear infections, Malnutrition and Anaemia, HIV as well as a new module on Well Child Care.

It has an additional facilitator guide for three face-to-face meetings as well as an implementation guide to assist policy makers to begin to adapt the materials. However, the standard IMCI facilitator guide, course director guide, clinical practice guide and video sets are kept the same.

World Health Organization (WHO)
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