Join on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. (EDT) for the webinar Improving Mental Health through Social Determinants. This event aims to provide a broad understanding of the social determinants related to mental health, promote the importance of cross-sector collaboration, and expand the resources available to participate in this transformation.
The social determinants of health, defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), encompass the circumstances in which people are born, grow, work, live, and age, as well as the forces and systems that influence their living conditions. Daily these conditions vary considerably among different population groups, resulting in disparities in health outcomes, including mental health. Some of these disparities may be inevitable, while others are avoidable and unnecessary, becoming inequities that require intersectoral political actions to promote equity.
It is essential to recognize and address social determinants that can have a direct or indirect impact on mental health, such as poverty, systemic racism, and stigma, as well as unequal access and provision to critical services such as health, education, housing, and employment. These determinants are linked to the origin of mental health problems, variations throughout the course of the disease, and their direct consequences on mental health and life in general. The ability to intervene in some of these social determinants represents the challenge of transforming them to mitigate or eliminate adverse consequences and reduce mental health inequities. In this way, the onset of mental health problems can be prevented; mental health can be promoted in populations, and contribute to the mental health recovery approach, which focuses on empowering people to take control of their own lives.
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