WHO Region

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Foto de Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/nina-nino-doctor-cuidado-de-la-salud-7653122/
Publication typeJournal articles
Health literacy development of Primary Health Care patients: qualitative research
Foto de Javad Esmaeili: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/persona-mujer-mano-ojos-5775395/
Publication typeJournal articles
Developing a progress assessment model for age friendly primary health care initiatives
Foto de Francisco Venâncio en Unsplash
Publication typeJournal articles
Implementation of WHO SMART Guidelines-Digital Adaptation Kits in Pathfinder Countries in Africa: Processes and Early Lessons Learned
Publication typeJournal articles
Primary care workforce planning within integrated care models: Application of a workforce planning toolkit
Foto de Dominic Orowua: https://www.pexels.com/es-es/foto/gente-sentado-mirando-seguridad-6802855/
Multisectoral contributions to health security and formal policy availability at the community level in Nigeria
Publication typeJournal articles
Integrating Mental Health Services Into Primary Health Care in Nigeria: A Mixed Method Study Exploring the Roles of Family Physicians in Closing the Glaring Gap
Publication typeJournal articles
Assessing Healthcare Integration: An Integrated Palliative Care System in Spain
WHO_Digital adaptation
Publication typeWHO Document
Digital adaptation kit for immunizations: operational requirements for implementing WHO recommendations in digital systems
Captura de pantalla 2025-02-07 134239
Publication typeWHO Document
Compassion and primary health care
pexels-artsysolomon-1108823. jpg
Publication typeJournal articles
Evaluating the impact, implementation experience and political economy of primary care networks in Kenya: protocol for a mixed methods study
Publication typeWHO Document
Sailing the waves of European public health: exploring a sea of innovation (Eurohealth)
WHO Europe
Publication typeWHO Document
Taking the pulse of quality of care and patient safety in the WHO European Region: multidimensional analysis and future prospects
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